Inspiration Folders

Recently there was a post on the WetCanvas forums about artists keeping “inspiration folders.” These are files that one might put magazine clippings in, photos, notes, sketches, and whatnot to inspire future paintings or artworks. This got me thinking about all the different types of folders and things I have kept over the years, especially my digital files, which seem to be much easier to go through and organize.


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Writing and Stuff

Hello. It’s me again. I have no idea what I’m doing here, making another appearance, but I guess I’m taking a break from it all. I haven’t been painting the last couple of days, but I suppose I will resume on Tuesday.  It’s too late in the day now (Monday at 3:20 PM) and I like to paint when there’s still some good daylight out. I don’t really like the artificial light honestly. It casts too many shadows, and some of it is yellow – depending on where I’m working.


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