Out of my Mind

Someone tell please tell how I’m supposed to feel! …Ha ha. I just thought I’d start off a blog post like that. I am becoming more and more out of my mind, after all. Homer Simpson said that once and it always struck me as very funny. But anyway, The Exodus Project installation is now out of the way. And so are several other things, like the book for one — even though I keep sneaking in there to add tidbits before it gets picked out of Dropbox to be edited — but I’m pretty sure I’m finished with all that. I am moving on now. That’s hardly funny. I wanted to be funny.

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Installation Day

I have been scarce. Maybe for some, I don’t even exist anymore — I have no idea. It’s been well over a month since my last post and it may seem that I’ve been slacking off, but I’m no slacker. I mean, that’s not in my nature, but I have been taking it easy(er), with plans to continue down that road, because yesterday, I was finally able to install The Exodus Project at the Lancaster Museum of Art and History.

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