STUFF! Uncovering More

Sorry for the delay folks, but lots happening here. I realize I’ve been cryptic about what’s going on, so now I’ll fill those in that have been worrying about me and why I am getting rid of my stuff. I began posting about this here on my blog here (one)here (two) and here (three). I hope people will continue to consider taking some of these things off my hands. For instance:

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STUFF! Purging More Stuff

This is the second installation of STUFF! the saga of my needing to get rid of my stuff–in a hurry. It started yesterday in my first post called Help Me Help Myself! where I began to beg, well, I don’t know if I was really begging, was I? I think I’m really just informing people of needing to get this stuff out of my life and that there is a lot going on with my life at the moment. I will eventually speak about it, but I don’t want to right now. I also don’t want my issues to motivate anyone in taking my crap off my hands. Take it because you need it. Okay, take it for any reason you need to.

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STUFF! Help Me Help Myself

I am purging! Simplifying. I have to. Things are very complicated right now. I can’t get into it, but I need to unload a bunch of stuff. Before I present it to the weirdos on Craigslist, I’m compiling this blog post which I will then Tweet, Facebook and radio transmit out to all my personal channels. I’ve been working on this post for many days already, so I’ll get right to it here. Does anyone want a printer, a cutting table, a bunch of glass beakers, a sewing machine, blank canvases or a lightbox? I’m just getting started here.

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