Health, Hell, and Easels

I haven’t posted here since the 11th, and I can’t believe I still don’t know much more about my test results. I know a little more, but I’m getting mighty sick of how slow and out of communication my primary care doctor’s office has been.

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Some Results

I don’t know how I’ve been doing lately. It’s been like a roller coaster. Mentally and physically.

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Good Distractions

Hurray! I did it in record time! I think. I always wanted to make art fast (like I seem to think everybody else does), so I completed all the artwork for my upcoming zine. 

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Through the Looking Glass

While working on various art projects, I’ve also been trying to fit in a few tests surrounding my health, among other stressful tasks I’m trying to wrap my head around.

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So, I’ll be honest. I’m not doing very well. I don’t even know if I’ll be posting this. I’m just going to type and see where this leads me. Here goes nothing…

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