
So, I’ll be honest. I’m not doing very well. I don’t even know if I’ll be posting this. I’m just going to type and see where this leads me. Here goes nothing…

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On With the Day

I don’t know if I mentioned it, but I’m going to be doing the Hwy 62 Artist’s Tours this year. It takes place in the Morongo Valley during three weekends in October. I’ll send out the details in my next newsletter if anyone is interested.

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Currently What Too Much

Currently what? It’s been a little while because of a bunch of stuff. My eyes, my mind, my life, and we moved my art storage this past Thursday. All my artwork is home now, some 200 pieces or so. 

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No Thanks to…Anyone

Well, my eyes are feeling a bit better, or a lot better, but they still hurt some. Yes, that’s right. I said my eyes-plural. It went from my right eye to both eyes after another day of pain.

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