What’s Coming?

Earlier this week, I sent out a new mid-spring newsletter. Did you get it? I decided to send them out more often. I don’t want people to forget about me. I don’t want to become irrelevant. Whatever that means.

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Grocery Bag Art

Whelp, I had high hopes for my new series of grocery bag paintings. It’s not that they’ve been dashed yet, but things aren’t working out as I’d planned. I’m going to have to do more research, more trial, error, and maybe more badly executed pieces.

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Slow Like a Tortoise

Like I’ve stated before, things are going slow around here, but I managed to finish that painting, which I titled, Sprout. It seemed appropriate at the time. I usually title things right when I finish them and forget about it from there on after, kind of like the title of this blog post.

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