More to Go

Until I can get my blog working correctly, I’ve been slowly working on my various “projects.” What else to call them? Artworks? They are the paintings, the embroideries for the wall installation, the sculpture, and all the other shit. It’s a lot.

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DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) And The Aftermath in 3 Parts

This is Part I.

Well, I’m sure all four of you are wondering how the opening of my show went. I suppose I should start at the beginning when I went to install it on the 7th.

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Do it For the Money

It’s finally here. And I’m ready. Tomorrow I pack my car up for installation day. I’ll leave at the crack of dawn the following morning, hoping to beat some traffic on my way into LA. 

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Nightmare Behind Schedule

Well, I finally finished the big 60 x 40-inch painting entitled South of 62. I thought it would take me to the end of the month, but not so. I just buckled down and put in the hours of pain.

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Exhibition Prep and Hair Pulling

I haven’t felt like writing much, probably because I haven’t made much progress on the big painting. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed about it.

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