Chicken or Egg? (An Existential Crisis)

Ah, the eternal question. The eternal answer: I don’t know. Does anyone know what came first? Does anyone know what comes first in life and art? I mean, according to Ayin? Ha ha ha. Well, in art, it seems the obvious answer would be the work itself. A lot of artists say that. But it’s not. Not exactly.

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Lofty Goals

Since finishing the second to last painting for the show, I’ve thrown myself into writing applications for various artist residencies around the country. I’d decided to do this last week after a week of Noom lessons about goals.

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Today I heard that resolutions are meant to be forgotten. Pretty funny. I don’t usually make any. But I’m hoping this year will be different, and I’m wanting to commit to them now more than ever. I feel I’m getting too old to flake out on them.

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Your Vision of the Future

Have you ever been asked where you see yourself in five years into the future? Ten years? Or what your vision of the future is? I fucking hate this question. It’s because, for the life of me, I can not answer it!

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Surgery Now & Laters

My stomach is starting to feel better because my doctor took me off that new medication. It has a week-long half-life, so I’m just now getting my appetite back, thank the lord baby Jesus. But that’s no way to lose weight.

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