The Magical Internet

You people are so lucky. You don’t even know. Had I grown up during the internet age, my life would not only have been easier, but I’d know a lot more about porn. More importantly, though, I’d be a much more competent person, and sooner. But, alas, I was late for the party. I was no kid then. But I’ve never really been much of an adult, either. 

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They/Them, Name/Same

I couldn’t walk today or yesterday. It’s been snowing. Yesterday, the wind was so bad, Hannah’s car door nearly pulled off the hinges. We heard a horrible “snap” sound as the wind whipped it open. I thought the door was going to rip off and go flying into the air. Thankfully, all was well in the post office parking lot. You’d be surprised just how windy it gets here. It’s insane really.

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