
So, I’ll be honest. I’m not doing very well. I don’t even know if I’ll be posting this. I’m just going to type and see where this leads me. Here goes nothing…

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Building Your House Part 1

Building your art practice can be daunting yet full of fun and joy. Unlike constructing an actual domicile, there’s no one right way to do it since art is subjective, not exactly physical.

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Holding Back the Horses

To distract myself from all the tooth pain I’ve been dealing with lately (I’m in dental hell), I’ve been working hard on my upcoming show. 

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Dropping Out

Slowly, or not so slowly, all my potential doctors are dropping out of the race. I don’t know which gorilla’s hands I’m going to be in the care of now, and it’s such an icky feeling. And when it will be? And where? I also don’t know how I’ll pay for it. Mana from the sky? Truthfully, I feel like I’m standing naked in the cold rain, and people are throwing rotten fruit at me.

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