Not Lazy

After talking to my therapist recently, I learned that I’m not as lazy as I thought I was, or rather, “lazy” is not the word I should’ve been using to describe myself. The issue runs way deeper, and it was sad to discover.

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Small Disasters & Changes

Well, I actually finished all of the pages of the book yesterday. I can’t believe it! The pages that definitely took the longest (the watercolors) are finally out of my hair.

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Your Vision of the Future

Have you ever been asked where you see yourself in five years into the future? Ten years? Or what your vision of the future is? I fucking hate this question. It’s because, for the life of me, I can not answer it!

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Thoughts on Instagram

I’m honestly just thinking out loud here. I guess I suffer from FOMO…or something. I’m not sure what it is, but I feel pretty left out of the Instagram loop. It actually gives me anxiety.

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Hate Be Gone!

I’ve been trying to get the hang of Instagram lately. You’d think I’d already know how to do that stuff, but I never learned. 

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