The News You’ve Missed

I put out my winter newsletter early yesterday morning…was it yesterday? Yes. It was.

It was mostly to inform everyone about my upcoming show at Craig Krull Gallery. It’s a virtual show that will be on their website and via email. It begins on Thursday, January 7th, 2021, and it will stay there indefinitely. An excellent way to start the new year.  

The exhibit is entitled, All’s Well in the High Desert. I am showing a few Joshua Tree paintings and some new drawings on paper garment patterns. The general theme is about moving out to the desert from Los Angeles and being sequestered here during the pandemic. 

Before I got the news about having the show, I’d been working on an oil painting called The Bat, The Cat, The Cake, and the Snake. I am waiting for it to dry a bit so I can do some touch-ups. 

While I’ve been waiting for this to dry, I worked on a couple of little watercolors: Snoopy on Shrooms:

Sleep Machine:

and Flower Tree with Upside Down Dogs:

Meanwhile, I went to see the surgeon yesterday, as I spoke about in yesterday’s blog post. I was hoping I could get him to make horizontal incisions for my double mastectomy. But he explained how that’s not possible because of how my stupid breasts are formed. 

However, The scars won’t be curved either, which is good news. It’s going to be one scar that meets in the middle, and it will sort of slant on both sides from the center. He said he’d make them as straight as possible. 

He’s a good surgeon, and I like him a lot. I have seen results with other surgeons where the incisions are straight but higher up on the body, and it doesn’t look right to me– because the inframammary line will always remain. It’s better to use that line than to potentially have two lines across your chest, IMO. So, I’m going to trust him.

And I got my operation date! It’s Friday, February 26th. That’s a tiny bit less than eight weeks away, so I’m done with the cigarettes now. 

2 thoughts on “The News You’ve Missed

  1. lindacbugg January 2, 2021 / 9:57 pm

    Damn–so quick!
    Well, here’s an invocation to the universe for all to be well with every part surrounding it (up to & including quitting the damn smokes because everything is more epic w/a def timeline!)

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