Another Four Pages

Still on this shit keyboard until Friday. It’s almost impossible to type, but I’m doing it anyway, like a snail in molasses.

In the meantime, I’m still working to finish this sheet (four pages) that the linocuts are printed on.

The back of one page has the handwritten “story” paragraph, and the other has a sketch of these hiker’s items, which I’ll be working on today after a nap (I’ve been up since 3:00:

I only have four more of the sketches to go actually (and the basic skeletons are transferred already); the handwritten pages are finished now. A lot of progress since Monday, I’d say, even though I haven’t been getting the best sleep. I’ve been having stomach issues.

It doesn’t seem like I’ll be getting this book done before the open studios in October, at least, I don’t think I will, but you never know. Not that I expect I would sell any during the event. I highly doubt it will attract those kinds of buyers. But it would have been nice to have it squared away before I spend the next few weeks setting up my garage for the whole thing. I would like that sense of accomplishment.

As for the preparation, I foresee it taking an awful lot of time. If you saw my garage, you’d understand, and I’m a perfectionist. I’d rather it not totally look like a garage if I can help it. I may have to buy one more standing easel to complete the set-up. There isn’t much wall space either.

I’m planning to have a kiosk though–a computer that will have my website there for people to browse other paintings that are not hanging right there in the garage, which I hope will be helpful. But we don’t have much electricity in there and have to get that fixed beforehand. I better remember to do that. Note to self: call the landlord!

I was hoping to have more smaller watercolors done beforehand, but I doubt I’ll have much time to do them. We’ll see. Maybe I can knock ’em out in a few days, then set them up on a bulletin board and sell them on the cheap.

Anyway, it’s going to take a lot out of me, physically. I need to watch that I don’t overdo it. I probably will though.

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