
I’ve been working on small watercolors lately, which seems to be all I can do for now. The healing process is going well. Just slowly. Some of the paintings I like, and some are just a’ight. Maybe they’ll grow on me. We’ll see. It happens. I wonder if that’s the same with other artists.

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Getting Ready Stuff

The other day I got a nice comment on my blog, but Hannah took it off. Some asshole told me to man-up and get over myself. Well, maybe I should, but why are they reading my blog if they dislike me so much? Go away, doo-doo head. 

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They/Them, Name/Same

I couldn’t walk today or yesterday. It’s been snowing. Yesterday, the wind was so bad, Hannah’s car door nearly pulled off the hinges. We heard a horrible “snap” sound as the wind whipped it open. I thought the door was going to rip off and go flying into the air. Thankfully, all was well in the post office parking lot. You’d be surprised just how windy it gets here. It’s insane really.

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